Homi Bhabha Action Research Project for 2021-22 batch students

This article covers Action Research Projects for 6th and 9th std for the year 2021-22 (Homi Bhabha Exam – Level 3)

Click to jump to 9th Std Project

Topic for 6th Std:

Trees outside forest

Subtopic: To expand tree cover inside my society

My Example Project for 6th std

Here is my example. Students should try to find their own ideas and are requested NOT to copy this.

My Plan:
1) Form a team (me, my parents, my brother, 3 friends from my society, secretary of our society)

2) Study of the possible area: measure and document the area available. Make a map of the soil area where we can grow trees

3) Studying the problem:
a. There is some area where there is shadow of the building most of the times. so trees do not grow.
b. Some area is covered with sand (reti) and hence not many trees grow

4) Action plan:
a. With the help of an expert, find out which trees can be grown in the shady area. And how to grow them
b. Try to remove sand cover and put natural manure to grow the trees.
c. Collect required tools for planting the trees.
d. Study and learn about planting the trees.
e. Try to plant the trees
f. Try to have a watering system with bottles, and pipes.

5) Try to discuss if we can appoint the watchman to take care of these plants and pay him certain amount for doing this extra work.

Homi Bhabha Action Research Project for 9th Std 2021-22:

Topic for 9th Std:

Immunity Boosters

What you have to do

  1. Select any one method (which you know of) which is used to boost immunity. This should not be a medicine for a particular disease. It should be immunity booster. To be taken by anyone.
  2. Study that method. Study the science behind that. As to how it boosts immunity.
  3. After considering safety, try to prepare it yourself. Think of modifying it to give more immunity advantage. Try it on yourself and on your family.
  4. Survey: Collect data, from the people who use it. Interview the people who know about this.
  5. Present the data, and comment on the effectiveness of the method.
  6. Write the report.

My Example Project for 9th std

Immunity booster: Morning tea with ginger

My Plan:
Study the use of ginger as immunity booster for throat infections.

My grandfather used to say “Rainy season is approaching, start putting ginger in the morning tea!” He told us that it is good, and gives us protection against cough and cold.
So I have decided to study this as an immunity booster.
1. I will find all information about morning tea with ginger as immunity booster.
2. I will try to study the science behind what chemicals it contains, why they might be useful
3. I will try to add things like licorice powder, lemon grass, coriander seed powder, cardamon and see if it tastes better. It it does, can it be consumed as immunity booster.
4. I will try to make a dry mixture / balls of all these ingredients which can be stored in refrigerator and one ball can be added while making tea every morning. This will make it easier to use.
5. I will give my mixture to my friends and family and ask them to use it for few weeks and get feedback from them
6. I also plan to study the use of turmeric-honey with warm milk as immunity booster.

Next Article – Photos of past Homi Bhabha Exam Projects done by students